Books I am Writing, Time Travel Princess

Food in Modern Peru

I talked last time about how I chose the place and time for my story. And once that was done, I started looking into the culture of modern and historical Peru. The rabbit hole of link clicking was astronomical so I'll spare you those details. I learned a bunch of basics and found a whole… Continue reading Food in Modern Peru

Books I am Writing, Interesting Things, News and Updates, The Craft of Writing, Time Travel Princess

Where in the World is My Setting?

Let's talk about setting. And in particular, how to pick a setting. If you're anything like me, you've set your books in made up places vaguely based on somewhere you've been or somewhere you live. Write what you know, and all that. And, if you're like me, you've also probably done some research about what… Continue reading Where in the World is My Setting?

A Year in Mondays, Books I am Writing

Universal vs Personal Experiences

Something I am struggling with when writing A Year in Mondays has been the balance between my personal experiences, the overarching experience of having children, and Julie’s specific story. It is difficult sometimes to separate my experiences (and those of people around me) from those I have read on the internet, for example. So in… Continue reading Universal vs Personal Experiences